Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Bethany is into American Girls and she reads their stories. She likes Kirsten who is a pioneer girl that has a patchwork quilt. Bethany wanted to make a quilt for her Kirsten doll. I helped cut it out and Bethany sewed the top together, then I finished it. She decided when she got the top finished that it was big enough to cut in half and share with Bryn. Cutting a quilt in half is a big sacrifice, so that was a very nice thing to do. Now both American Girls have a quilt. Good job with your first sewing project Bethany!


Meridy said...

YAY!!! I'm so glad you posted. What a great big sister Bethany is! Beautiful quilt(s)!

Shella said...

Amazing! The quilts look awesome. That is So sweet of Beth!

Cheryl said...

What darling girls you are! Just think of all the fun things you can learn and do.